发布时间 2022-09-19 16:40:40
1:可调式水压流量设计,一般约为10cm/h 之落雨量,**大可符合未来二十年之**大降雨量35mm/m。
3:R ,S
This device may be used to test the lights of automobile and autobikes,the function of rain sweeper, weather strip,the panel of autobikes, the guiding devlce of the missiles in national defense system,and the cone shaped cap of radar.It may also be used to test the rainproot function of the equipment used in aviation industry.
1:The water flow gage is adjustable It is generally suitable of
10cm/h and it can meet the requirements of maximum rainfall of
35mm/m that may happen in the forthcoming 20 years.
2:The unique water dispenser may steadily contrlo the flow of
rainfall and the pressure.
3:R,S may be separately controlled and therefore,it may be r e p l
a c ed without the necessity of havintg the operator enter the tank
to do the work.B type of this machine may heat the item for test
from RT~85℃Celsius degrees,thus a negative pressure may be
generated because of the fact that the temperature of the item
being tested is higher than that of the water,This will make the
more precise(MIL.STD)
INSIDE DIMENSION :1000 × 1000 × 1000(W×D×H)mm
OUTSIDE DIMENSION:1450 × 1300 × 2000(W×D×H)mm
Related Standards :
JIS : D0203,D5500
SAE : J575e
CNS : 7138
拉力机拉压力试验机,抗拉抗压强度试验机,环境试验机,紫外线碳弧灯试验机,耐光试验机,盐水喷雾试验机盐雾试验机,恒温恒湿试验箱高低温试验箱,低温耐寒试验机,耐黄变老化试验机烘箱,TABER、DIN磨耗试验机、Akron、NBS橡胶耐磨耗试验机,耐汗耐腐蚀试验机,耐水压高压耐水度试验机 染色牢度试验机染污灰色标色卡,台式输送带式检针机,垂直冲击拉链疲劳试验机,撕裂强度试验机,透湿度透水度试验机,多光源对色箱,胶带保持力试验机,90度胶带剥离强度试验机,自动辗压滚轮,胶带初粘性试验机,粘度计分光测色仪对色仪分光密度仪,电子天平,跌落落下试验机滚筒试验机,熔融指数融点测试仪,振荡冲击疲劳试验机,电线曲折疲劳试验机电线加热变形试验机,酒精耐磨试验机 烤漆耐磨试验机 插头引线弯折疲劳试验机,纸箱抗压试验机,环压强度破裂强度试验机,MIT纸板耐折戳穿强度试验机,RCA纸带耐磨试验机 印刷品油墨脱色试验机 水份分析仪水份计,二次元影像测量仪投影仪,光学测量仪器,NTS、AND、STC、NMB荷重元拉力机传感器感测器
联系人 | 罗先生 |
联系电话 | 0512-57005286 15306268695 |
地址 | 江苏省昆山市开发区前进东路企业科技园(中国昆山留学人员创业园) |
邮箱 | hgqctech1@126.com |