发布时间 2009-09-01 18:11:30
本机采用滚涂方式使用水性包覆胶、油性包覆胶将PVC膜、浸漆纸等贴覆于各种踢脚线、门窗套线、楼梯扶手等各种线条的表面,也可用于铝合金、塑钢、木塑等型材的表面包覆。各种角度、圆弧、沟槽、凹凸面、包边等一次完成,并同时完成表面、侧面、底边的贴覆。加工效率高。 Through roll gluing,this machine works with watersolution or oilsolution glue to paste PVC and melamine paper on various kick boards, set lines of doors and windows, and the railing of the stairs.It can also wrap the surface of the duralumin,plastisteels, plasticwood and other moulding materials . It can work with various shapes, the curved, the grooved, the bulged and the rolled. the wrapping of surface, sides and bottom are accomplished effectively in a single process at the same time. |