发布时间 2009-09-01 18:11:34
本机采用刮涂方式使用油性包覆胶将PVC膜、浸漆纸等帖覆于各种踢脚线、门窗套线、楼梯扶手、塑钢门窗、铝型材、木塑等各种线条的表面,一次完成表面、侧面、底边的帖覆。适合复杂线形的包覆。 Though scrape gluing,this machine works with oil-solution glue to paste PVC and melamine paper on various kick boards,set lines of doors and windows,the railing of the stairs,aluminum materials and plastic-wood etc.The wrapping of surface,sides and bottom are accomplished effectively in a single process.This machine is also fit for wrapping complicated lines and surfaces. |