
发布时间 2009-10-09 05:52:46


LTD320H LTD318H LTD216H LTD214H LTD212H LTD210H高原型全液压振动压路机主要技术参数
型号                   MODEL                        

                  LTD320H/LTD318H      LTD216H/LTD214H      LTD212H/LTD210H
工作质量             Operating mass           (kg) 

                                               20000/18000           16000/14000          12000/10000
静线载荷             Static linear load   N/cm   

                                                      600/540               457/400                     342/285
振幅(高/低)          Vibration amplitude  mm    

                                                       1.9/0.95          (2.0/1.0)/(1.70/0.78)        1.70/0.78
振动频率(高/低)      Vibration frequency  Hz      

                                                           28/35              (28/35)/(29/35)                29/35
激振力(高/低)        Centrifugal force    kN  

                                  (410/300)/(395/290)  (320/260)/(290/180) (260/160)/(240/120)
**高行走速度         Travel speed         km/h     11                10/12               12
爬坡能力             Grade ability        %        30                            30                 35
转弯半径             Turning radius       mm      6500                6500               3500
外观尺寸(长×宽×高) Overall Dimension    mm   

                                    5820×2340×3050     5820×2278×3050     5820×2278×3050
振动轮宽度           Vibration round width  mm                         

                                                                 2100                         2100               2100
轴距                 Wheelbase              mm     3160                     3160                3160
**小离地间隙 Ground clearance       mm      472                         472                 472
柴油机功率      Diesel power           kW      132                     132/110              110
柴油机型号     Diesel model               

                     D6114ZG8B6BTA5.9        康明斯6BTA5.9              康明斯6BT5.9

    Hydraulic vibratory roller is manufactured according to the international advanced
technology and by use of imported components from abroad.The machine is super heavy-duty
 vibratory roller,possesses a great working mass and strong centrifugal force.
It is the best compaction equipment of high quality and high effect in the large-scale
mechanized construction.This machine is suitable for non-cohesive materials,
such as graves,macadam,macadam-aggregate mixtures and sandy soil etc.
Also it can effect good compaction in cohesive material.Therefore the machiine
 is an ideal equipment for expressway,mining road,embankment,seaport and industrial sites.
高原型全液压振动压路机 LTD320H LTD318H LTD216H LTD214H LTD212H LTD210H采用国内外先进技术并

联系人 张友峰
联系电话 65353583 
地址 洛阳市洛龙路
进入店铺 在线留言

