
发布时间 2023-07-03 10:40:05



厦门六合兴门窗有限公司/厦门市塑钢门窗有限公司是集设计、制作,安装塑钢门窗\铝合金门窗、断桥铝门窗系列产品的专业厂家。成立于1997年9月,产品注册商标为“三信”“六合兴”。并在1998年获得技术监督局颁发的生产许可证,2009年通过了ISO90001:2008质量管理体系认证。 厂房占地三千多平方米,年生产能力达20万平方米。产品近销国内,远销日本、东南亚。 

        公司宗旨: 信得过产品

It is the professional manufacturer that gathers the luxurious in design, produce and

installation to mould the steel series of products of doors and windows that Xia Men city

moulds the steel limited company of doors and windows. Set up in September 1997, product

registered trademark is \" three Belifs\" brand, the production that gets State Bureau of

Technical Supervision first in 1998 to issue licence. Workshop covers an area of the square

metres more than 3000, in year, productivity reaches two-hundreds thousands square metres.

Product nears sell domestic, sell Japan and Southeast Asia. Scope of business: Mould the

steel window of sliding door; Mould steel to level to open the door window; Mould steel go

up Xuan window; Mould the steel window of horizontally pivoted hung; Mould steel screen

window; Invisible screen window; Technology glass; Mould steel accessory; Color is asked

mainly with white colour, according to customer to produce colored doors and windows, but

their service life is not as good as white colour well. three Belifs persons will cooperate

with you all along sincerely with advanced technical, modern management, excellent product

and the most satisfactory service expectation , creat beautiful life space together.



联系人 胡先生
联系电话 0592-5216868 5217988 
地址 福建省厦门市翔安区内厝镇新垵田中央463号
邮箱 fjsgmc@163.com
进入店铺 在线留言

