发布时间 2015-11-24 15:23:47
按溶剂类型分 | 水性漆 |
单件净重 | 18kg |
和意“墙固”混凝土处理剂,具有优异的渗透性,能充分浸润墙体基层,使基层密实,提高光滑基层界面附着力。粘接强度高,保证水泥拉毛牢固可靠。提高腻子或灰浆和墙体表面的粘接强度,防止空鼓。适用于砖混墙面批刮腻子或抹灰前基层界面处理,适用于粘贴瓷砖前在基层墙面进行人工“造毛”,即造水泥拉毛。 Heyi “Guqiang” concrete treatment agent, with excellent permeability, can fully infiltrate the base course of wall, compact the base course, and improve the interface adhesion of smooth base courses. With high adhesive strength, it ensures solid and reliability of cement roughness improves the adhesive strength of putty or mortar and prevents the hollowing. It is applicable to interface treatment of base courses prior to scraping putty or plastering to masonry walls, and also applicable to artificial “creation of roughness” (i.e. cement roughness) on the base course wall surface prior to pasting tiles.
Main components: polymer emulsion, synthetic colloid, additives and water.
基层处理:基层表面应坚实、无浮灰和油渍。基层界面处理:将“墙固”直接或加水稀释后,用滚刷涂布在墙面涂1至2遍。造毛:用水泥和“墙固”搅拌成浆糊状,用工具涂抹在基层上。 Base course treatment: The base course surface shall be solid, and free from dust and grease. Base course interface treatment: after Qianggu is diluted directly or after addition of water, with a rolling brush, coat 1 to 2 times on the wall surface. Creating roughness: mix cement and Qianggu into paste state, and with a tool, apply to the base course.
施工事项:“墙固”涂抹干透或“水泥拉毛”干燥后即可开始批刮腻子或抹灰。用“墙固”造毛不得加水使用。 Construction notes: after complete drying of Qiangtu or drying of “cement roughness”, scrape putty or plaster. No water should be added when creating roughness with Qianggu.
施工温度:施工环境温度5℃以上。出现沉淀属正常现象,使用前搅拌均匀 Construction temperature: the ambient temperature shall be above 5℃. Precipitation is a normal phenomenon and stirring is required before using
执行标准:有害物质限量标准:GB18583-2001 执行标准:Q/TXJHH003-2001 贮存或运输:存放在阴凉干燥处,保质期12个月。产品无毒不燃。贮存运输可按《非危害品规则》办理。
Execution standard: standard for limit of harmful substances: GB18583-2001 Execution standard: Q/TXJHH003-2001
Storage or transportation: Kept in a cool dry place, with a shelf life of 12 months. The product is non-toxic and non-flammable. Storage and transportation can be handled in accordance with the Rules for Non-hazardous Materials.
墙固 Qianggu
执行标准:有害物质限量标准:GB18583-2001 执行标准:Q/TXJHH003-2001 贮存或运输:存放在阴凉干燥处,保质期12个月。产品无毒不燃。贮存运输可按《非危害品规则》办理。
Main components: polymer emulsion, synthetic colloid, additives and water.
基层处理:基层表面应坚实、无浮灰和油渍。基层界面处理:将“墙固”直接或加水稀释后,用滚刷涂布在墙面涂1至2遍。造毛:用水泥和“墙固”搅拌成浆糊状,用工具涂抹在基层上。 Base course treatment: The base course surface shall be solid, and free from dust and grease. Base course interface treatment: after Qianggu is diluted directly or after addition of water, with a rolling brush, coat 1 to 2 times on the wall surface. Creating roughness: mix cement and Qianggu into paste state, and with a tool, apply to the base course.
施工事项:“墙固”涂抹干透或“水泥拉毛”干燥后即可开始批刮腻子或抹灰。用“墙固”造毛不得加水使用。 Construction notes: after complete drying of Qiangtu or drying of “cement roughness”, scrape putty or plaster. No water should be added when creating roughness with Qianggu.
施工温度:施工环境温度5℃以上。出现沉淀属正常现象,使用前搅拌均匀 Construction temperature: the ambient temperature shall be above 5℃. Precipitation is a normal phenomenon and stirring is required before using
执行标准:有害物质限量标准:GB18583-2001 执行标准:Q/TXJHH003-2001 贮存或运输:存放在阴凉干燥处,保质期12个月。产品无毒不燃。贮存运输可按《非危害品规则》办理。
Execution standard: standard for limit of harmful substances: GB18583-2001 Execution standard: Q/TXJHH003-2001
Storage or transportation: Kept in a cool dry place, with a shelf life of 12 months. The product is non-toxic and non-flammable. Storage and transportation can be handled in accordance with the Rules for Non-hazardous Materials.
墙固 Qianggu
执行标准:有害物质限量标准:GB18583-2001 执行标准:Q/TXJHH003-2001 贮存或运输:存放在阴凉干燥处,保质期12个月。产品无毒不燃。贮存运输可按《非危害品规则》办理。