苏州化学实验台 实验室操作台

发布时间 2014-10-08 13:00:18


产品类别 其他
材质 实木
适用场合 客厅餐厅书房办公酒店酒吧学校其他
风格 欧式
适用对象 成人
规格 标准
封边 三聚氰安板
颜色 可选
油漆 可选
可否折叠 不可以
可否定做 可以
贸易属性 内贸
五金配件说明 可选





A.垂直架构:   为厚3mm,60x40mm钢管焊制成型。
B.前横梁:     为厚2.3mm,钢板机制成型,以螺丝或拉钉固定于垂直架构。
C.后横梁:     为厚1.6mm,钢板机制成型,以螺丝或拉钉固定于垂直架构。
D.下横梁:     为厚2.3mm,钢板机制成型,以螺丝或拉钉固定于垂直架构。
E.调整脚:     为4分螺杆制,下衬防水防锈底座。
F.台面:       台面采用13mm理化板**实验室台面.
G. 管道槽:     采用18mm防潮板。
H. 插座:       电源插座采用220V插座,约每一公尺设置一组插座。(如须110V事先说明)。
I. 门板:       门板采用18mm防潮板,并以3mm 聚氯乙烯封边防水处理。

K. 滑轨:       抽屉两侧滑轨采用钢制烤漆处理,采用钢制载重型三节滑轨装置。
L. 抽屉底板:   抽屉底板采用4mm丽光板制作。
M. 把手:       采用SUSㄇ字型实验室**把手。
N. 铰链说明:  采用实验室**铰链。
O.化验水槽:   采用6mm厚聚氯乙烯制作,耐酸碱一体成型水槽。
P.化验**:   采用铜质并经耐酸碱烤漆处理之立式三口化验**,上方一口可360度旋转,出水口为聚氯乙烯材质,除具有缓压作用外,并可拆卸清  洗以免阻塞,整体化验**须经防酸碱及防锈之表面处理。 
Q.落水头 :    采用提笼式过滤落水头,具有堵臭及防止水管阻塞的功能,并易手拆卸保养。(末端加置聚氯乙烯三元件,两层防护)。
R. 药品架架体说明: 钢龙骨。
S. 药品架层板说明: 层板采用6mm钢化玻璃。
Steel wood central table material description
A. The vertical architecture: thick 3mm, 60x40mm steel pipe welding molding.
B. The front cross member: thick 2.3mm steel, the mechanism of forming, with screws or screws fixed on the vertical structure.
C beam: thick 1.6mm steel, the mechanism of forming, with screws or screws fixed on the vertical structure.
D. 2.3mm: the thick steel plate beam, the mechanism of forming, with screws or nails are fixed on the vertical structure.
E. Adjust the foot: 4 screw system, lower lining waterproof anti-rust base.
F. Table: table uses the 13mm physicochemical board special laboratory table.
G. A pipe slot: using 18mm moisture-proof plate.
H: using 220V socket socket outlet, about every meter is provided with a set of socket. ( if 110V prior instructions ).
I: 18mm door door board, and 3mm PVC sealing waterproof processing.
K: both sides of the drawer slide rail with steel paint treatment, the use of steel heavy load three slide device.
The drawer bottom drawer bottom: L by 4mm Li plate production.
M: using SUS text font handle laboratory special handle.
N Description: the use of laboratory dedicated hinge hinge.
O. Laboratory flume: employs 6mm thick PVC production, acid and alkali resistance integrally molded sink.
P. Laboratory Faucet: made of copper and the acid and alkali resistant paint treatment of vertical three laboratory faucet, just above the mouth can be rotated 360 degrees, an outlet for PVC material, in addition to a slow compression, and a detachable cleaning wash so as not to block the whole test, leading by alkali and rust-proof surface treatment.
Q. Falling head : the use of cage type filtering water falling head, with odor blocking and prevent the water pipe blocking function, and easy disassembly and maintenance. (the end of the PVC three elements, two layer protection ).
R drug rack body: steel keel.
S. Drug shelf plate: plate using 6mm tempered glass.

联系人 李少兵
联系电话 15950023378 
地址 苏州市高新区塘西路9号
邮箱 1911588650@qq.com
进入店铺 在线留言

