
发布时间 2013-08-09 09:48:40





1.  采用专业设计的金属纤维燃烧器,燃烧充分、红外线辐射效率高、燃烧均匀、不易回火、使用寿命长;

2.  采用密闭式燃烧加热系统,相比开放式系统,整体节能30%以上;

3.  升温迅速:由于金属纤维燃烧器的热惯性小,点火后数秒内即达到工作温度;

4.  采用程序控制器对燃烧进行控制,具有吹扫、自动点火、火焰检测、压力保护、意外停机报警等功能;

5.  温度控制采用两段火型式;

6.  杀青滚筒温度均匀,纵向温差不超过±5℃;

7.  可采用液化气或天然气作为气源。

The characters of BURNRAY Gas-fired infrared burners

1. Adopt special metal fiber burners based on complete premixed combustion which have advantages of larger radiation coefficient, homogeneous combustion, good flashback resistance and long lifetime;

2. Compared to open combustion system, the hermetic combustion system can save the energy over 30%;

3. Fast heating (small thermal inertia): several seconds to heat up to the operation temperature;

4. With program controller, the burner has various functions: pre-purge, automatic ignition, flame detection, pressure protection and broken-down alarming;

5. Two-stage flame control;

6. Good temperature evenness, vertical temperature difference of the cylinder is not more than ± 5 ;

7. Gas fuel: LPG or NG.



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