
发布时间 2014-09-28 18:59:41


●免清洗,水溶性,低VOC ,无卤素。



Alpha Metals RF800T
No-Clean Flux

FEATURES                                                       BENEFITS

?  Medium Solids Content                                            ?  Pin Testable
?  Non Corrosive Residues                                           ?  High Sir Assemblies


Alpha   RF   800T    is   a   low   solids,   no-clean   flux   formulated   with   a   small   percentage   of   rosin   and   non-halide
activators.   This unique rosin activation system promotes excellent wetting to protected copper and solder coated
surfaces.    Post   soldering   residue   of Alpha   RF   800T   is   minimal,   slightly   glossy  and   can   be   pin   tested   without


Alpha RF 800T flux is formulated to be applied with foam, wave, spray and mist fluxers.  Flux deposition, density
and uniformity are critical to successful use of low solids no-clean flux.            Applying RF 800T to a dry flux coating
density of 100 to 300 micrograms per square centimetre is recommended.                    Preheating the circuit assembly will
partially   dry   the   flux,   enhance   oxide   removal   and   promote  optimum   wicking,   as   well   as   superior   solder   joint
formation.   Degree of preheat is dependent on many variables; such as conveyor speed, type of components and
substrates.     Entering     the  solder   wave   with  a  top-side   temperature     of  90°C   to  110°C    and   a  bottom-side
temperature of 120°C to 155°C is typical.

The   foam   applicators   should   be   supplied   with   compressed   air,   free   of   oil   and   water.   Maintain   flux   fluid   level
sufficiently above the aerator to produce adequate foam height.              Adjust air pressure to produce optimum height
with   foam   consisting   of   uniform   bubbles. The   addition   of   flux   thinners   will   be   required   to   replace   evaporative
losses   and   maintain   the   balance   in   flux   composition. Due   to   the  low   solids   content   of Alpha   RF   800T  flux,
specific   gravity   is   not   an   accurate   measure   for   assessment. Monitoring   and   controlling   the   acid   number   is
recommended for maintaining the flux composition.            The acid number should be controlled between 21 and 22.

                                                                                                                     Page 1 - RF800

The information contained in this document has been prepared in good faith and is offered at no charge. No warranty is given
that the information herein is accurate or complete. Errors and omissions excepted. It is the buyers responsibility to determine
the products fitness for any particular purpose.
In time, debris and contaminants will accumulate in recirculating type flux applicators. For consistent soldering
performance,   dispose   of   spent   flux  in   accordance   with   local   bylaws,   rules   and   regulations   periodically.   After
emptying used flux, the reservoir and applicator should be thoroughly cleaned with flux thinner. Refill reservoir
with   fresh   flux   and   allow   a   few   minutes   to   stabilise   before   resuming   soldering   operation. In   this   type   of   flux
application equipment, replace flux every 3 days where used daily for eight hours or more.

Although Alpha RF 800T is designed to be left on the board, if desired, post soldering residues can be removed
with  Alpha   2110  saponifier,  Hydrex   DX  detergent   or   alternatively  a   semi-aqueous   process   using Alpha   Auto
Clean 40 may be employed.

Key factors for no-clean soldering: Start with clean boards and components. Maintain uniform flux coating.
Separate boards to prevent flux carry-over.


OPERATING PARAMETER                                                        TYPICAL LEVEL
Amount of Flux Applied                                                                                     2
                                                                          Foam, Wave:  150 - 300 μg/cc   of solids

                                                                          Spray: 150 - 200 μg/cc  of solids
When foam fluxing ..................................................................
       Foam Stone Pore Size                                              20 -50 μm
       Distance that top of stone is submerged below flux                 25 - 40 mm (1 - 1? inches )
       Foam Fluxer Chimney Opening                                        10-13 mm ( 3/8 - 1/2 inch)
Topside Preheat Temperature                                               90°C – 100°C
Bottomside Preheat Temperature                                           about 35°C higher than topside
Maximum Ramp Rate of Topside Temperature (to avoid                       2°C/second maximum
component damage)
Conveyor Angle                                                           5°-8° (6° most common)
Conveyor Speed                                                             4 - 6 feet/minute (1.2 - 1.5 meters/minute)
Contact Time in the Solder (includes Chip Wave and Primary                1.5 - 3.5 seconds (2-2? seconds most common)
Solder Pot Temperature                                                    Nominal 245°C
These are general guidelines which have proven to yield excellent results; however, depending upon your equipment,
components, and circuit boards, your optimal settings may be different.  In order to optimize your process, it is
recommended to perform a designed experiment, optimizing the most important variables (amount of flux applied,
conveyor speed, topside preheat temperature, and solder pot temperature).

              Parameters                     Typical Values              Parameters/Test Method                 Typical Values
Appearance                                   Pale, yellow liquid    Recommended Thinner                          800T Additive
Solids Content, wt/wt                                5.0            Shelf Life                                     18 Months
Acid Number (mg KOH/g)                              21.6            Container Size Availability                     20, 200L
Specific Gravity @ 25°C (77°F)                0.800 ± 0.003         Bellcore TR-NWT-000078, Issue 3
                                                                   Compliant                                          Yes
Flash Point (T.C.C.)                               13°C             IPC J-STD-004 Designation                      B (RO/L1)

联系人 龚小姐
联系电话 0755-61547794 
地址 深圳宝安西乡宝源路宝源大厦
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