
发布时间 2014-04-23 17:23:44





G. Elli Riduttori Seites减速机 变速器 齿轮传动装置,质量保证,欢迎来电咨询!!

G.Elli减速机 G.Elli变速器 G.Elli齿轮传动装置 G.Elli齿轮 G.Elli传动轮 G.Elli传动件

G.Elli减速机 G.Elli变速器 G.Elli齿轮传动装置 G.Elli齿轮 G.Elli传动轮 G.Elli传动件

G.Elli减速机 G.Elli变速器 G.Elli齿轮传动装置 G.Elli齿轮 G.Elli传动轮 G.Elli传动件

Stacker - Reclaimer drive units, weight kg 2.400x2 and kg 7.600  
Complete winch unit, weight kg 25.000  
Yankee dryer hollow shaft drive for complete with sunday drive  
Pick-up roll gear unit, weight kg 1.200  
4 rollers rubber calender drive, weight kg 8.000  
Rubber calender drive reducer  
54 speed change unit, weight kg 12.000  
The inside of the 54 speed change unit  
Rolling stand drive unit, weight kg 35.000  
Rolling stand drive unit, weight kg 18.000  
Custom built drive unit, weight kg 2.000  
Metal sheet flattener drive unit, weight kg 1.500  
Steel mill drives

 G.ELLI RIDUTTORI  SEITES S.P.A  减速机                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                                        本公司长期供应G.ELLI RIDUTTORI SEITES S.P.A 减速机,其中有变速器和减速器、平行轴式减速器、插装式传动装置、标准减速器、正交轴式减速器、齿轮机构、特种减速器等。                                                                                                                             G. ELLI RIDUTTORI SEITES S.p.a. was founded in 1951.
Nearly fifty years of history, running parallel to the post-war industrial development, interpreting and resolving the customers' requirements, increasingly varied and sophisticated as time has progressed.
After the first pieces, made to satisfy specific requests, came the design and manufacture of standard reduction units and later, when the market clearly needed more powerful and bigger units we concentrated our efforts on the manufacture of special gearboxes in all sizes.
Our secret is that we were the first to focus on production quality and flexibility, adding to these a first class customer service, capable of covering all requirements, from the design stage to after-sale.
This is why our products are totally reliable.
The quality of our production process has been
ISO 9001 certified since 1993.


联系人 销售部
联系电话 021-61811372 
地址 上海市泉口路1008号
邮箱 sales@haunyi.com
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