Force Control制动器Force Control

发布时间 2014-04-11 09:52:57


Force Control制动器+进口Force Control制动器

Force Control 欢迎您的来电,我们将为您提供(Force Control)全系列产品供应服务,如果您不知道具体型号规格,欢迎来电,我们将会为您选出与您参数相符合的规格型号 force-contro 制动器 force-contro 电机 刹车盘。force-contro 制动器 force-contro 电机 force-contro 刹车盘 force-contro 电磁离合器 force-contro 离合器, force-contro制动器,force-contro汽车制动器,force-control张力制动器, force-contro测功机和定位控制force-contro电机force-contro制动电机 常用的产品有:force-control clutch, force-control brake,force-control automotive brake,force-control Force control是一家全球**油剪切离合器和制动系统,工业应用制造商。超过30年,一直致力于帮助客户重新设计他们的机械,更可靠,更准 确,更快速,持续时间更长。我们致力于生产的产品设计,以减少整体生产成本,提供高品质,精心设计,严格的标准制造的产品,并提供及时与 出色的客户支持。许多部队控制产品的核心是石油剪切技术。油剪切离合器和制动器产品通过多个摩擦片和驱动板之间的剪切自动变速器液的扭矩 传输。流体接触吸收热量和消耗,通过住房。循环液**大限度地减少磨损,造成极长的使用寿命。油剪切操作提供了一个可控,缓和的参与,更顺 畅,更安静,多干摩擦单位准确。

Force Control Industries, Inc. is a worldwide leader in the manufacturer of oil shear clutch and brake systems for industrial applications. We are dedicated to producing products designed to reduce overall production cost by providing high quality, well designed, products manufactured to exacting standards, and furnished in a timely manner with excellent customer support.

The heart of many of the Force Control products is oil shear technology. Oil Shear clutch and brake products transmit torque through shearing automatic transmission fluid between multiple friction discs and drive plates. The fluid absorbs the heat of engagement and dissipates it through the housing. The recirculating fluid minimizes wear, resulting in exceptionally long service life. Oil-shear operation provides a controllable, cushioned engagement that is smoother, quieter and more accurate than dry friction units.

联系人 销售部
联系电话 0755-61286230 
地址 深圳市福田区泰然五路3988号
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