杜笙抛光树脂-超纯水 制备
发布时间 2025-01-21 18:06:41
类型 | 树脂 |
材质 | 塑料颗粒 |
适用对象 | 高纯水仪器,电子等水处理 |
适用范围 | 过滤器 |
用途 | 超纯水制备 |
样式 | 颗粒 |
规格 | ISO |
目数 | 20-60 目/英寸 |
工作温度 | 60 ℃ |
性能 | 吸附 |
是专门用于超纯水的**后段的抛光处理。杜笙TULSION?MB-106 UP is designed for use in the
final polishing for production of ultra PUre water.
杜笙TULSION?MB-106 UP适合用于电子产业
杜笙TULSION?MB-106 UP is the ideal choice for
electronic industries which manufacture semi-conductors and
television tubes etc. where ultra pure water is required. The resin
combines high caPAcity with excellent physical
---------------------------------------- 基 本 特 性
TULSION? T-46 (阳) TULSION? A-33 (阴)
型式(Type) 强酸性阳离子交换树脂 (Strong acid Cation exchange
resin) 强碱性阴离子交换树脂 (Strong base Anion exchange resin)
主体结构(Matrix Structure) 苯乙烯(Cross linked
polystyrene) 苯乙烯(Cross linked polystyrene)
功能基 (Functional Group) 硫酸基(Sulfonic acid)
4级胺(Quaternary ammonium Type I)
物理性貭(Physical Form) 球状颗粒(Moist spherical beads)
球状颗粒(Moist spherical beads)
离子型式(Ionic form suPPlied) 氢(Hydrogen)
粒径范围(U.S.mesh in wet) 16 to 50 16 to
粒度范围 (Particle Size) 0.3 to 1.2 mm 0.3 to 1.2
微粒含量(Fines Content) 穿过US 50 Mesh小于0.5% (Less than
0.5% passing through 50 U.S.mesh) 穿过US 50 Mesh小于0.5% (Less than
0.5% passing through 50 U.S.mesh)
总交换容量 (Total Exch. Capacity) 1.8 meq/ml minimum of
99% in hydrogen form 1.0 meq/ml minimum of 90% in hydroxide form
and less than 1% in chloride form
PH范围 (pH Range) 0 to 14 0 to 14
允许温度 (Temp. Stability) 120°C 60°C
溶解率 (Solubility) Insoluble in all common solvents
Insoluble in all common solvents
溶出有机物(Organic leachable) Less than 0.2 mg KMNO4
per ml of wet resin Less than 0.2 mg KMNO4 per ml of wet
密度Backwash settled density Approx.750 gm/liter
Approx.750 gm/liter
不纯物(Impurities) Fe=50 ppm(max) Fe=50
Cu=50 ppm(max) Cu=50 ppm(max)
Pb=50 ppm(max) Pb=50 ppm(max)
球粒强度(Bead strength) Avg. not less than 500g/bead
by Chatillon test (ASTM Standard) Avg. not less than 300g/bead by
Chatillon test (ASTM Standard)
联系人 | 朱先生 |
联系电话 | 17090831380 13917047856 |
地址 | 丰台区汉威国际广场三区2号楼8层0407室 |
邮箱 | linkpower_wephong@163.com |