发布时间 2024-12-02 09:29:12
1. bwdk-3206d干式变压器温控器可以测量干式变压器三相绕组的温度,用LED 每隔4 秒循环显示三相温度值或定点显示三相温度**大值。
bwdk-3206dIt is capable of measuring the temperature of three-phase windings of the dry-type transformer, displaying in turn three-phase
temperature values with a LED every 4 seconds or displaying the highest three-phase temperature periodically.
2. bwdk-3206d干式变压器温控器可以用按键输入4 种温度设定值。当测量温度超过各设定值时,分别控制风机启停、超温报警、超高温跳闸等。
bwdk-3206dFour preset temperature values can be input by keystroke. When the measured temperature exceeds preset values, the
instrument will respectively control startup and stop of the fan, over-temperature alarm, ultra-high temperature trip, etc. The preset
temperature values can be modified at any time, and will remain after the instrument is switched-off.
3. bwdk-3206d干式变压器温度控制器具有传感器断线故障检测功能。
bwdk-3206dThe instrument is capable of detecting the broken-line fault of the sensor.
4.bwdk-3206d干式变压器温度控制器具有风机依设定温度自动定时启动和手动启动功能。仪器可设定1-250 小时内自动启动风机1 分钟。
The instrument has the function of automatic timing startup and manual startup according to the preset temperature, and can
set automatic fan startup for 1 minute within 1-250 hours.
5. bwdk-3206d干式变压器温度控制器仪器具有温度历史**大值记录功能。
The instrument is capable of remembering the highest temperature ever occurred.
6. bwdk-3206d干式变压器温度控制器根据使用需要,仪器可以提供数字量或模拟量输出。
The instrument is capable of providing digital or analog output as required.
7. bwdk-3206d干式变压器温度控制器仪器面板上有绿色的状态指示灯,风机运转指示灯为黄色,而超温、故障和跳闸状态指示灯为红色。
There is a green status indicator light on the instrument panel. The indicator light turns yellow when the fan operates and turns
red at the status of over-temperature, fault and trip.
联系人 | 李生 |
联系电话 | 0755-29870278 18826569099 |
地址 | 深圳市光明新区公明办事处玉律街道玉泉西路32号 |
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