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Solvay¡¯s stabilization technology enables 3TREES to meet 25-year material anti-aging requirements, a critical element in advancing BIPV technology and market growth.

µÂ¹ú 2022KÕ¹ Germany 2022K

µÂ¹ú 2022KÕ¹

Germany 2022K


October 25, 2022, Princeton, USA

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Solvay announced today a collaboration with 3TREES, a leading Chinese building materials manufacturer, to develop building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membranes that comply with new 25-year weathering requirements. The project will support China¡¯s goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 by accelerating the adoption of distributed rooftop BIPV installations. The demand for BIPV products continues to rise globally, driven by construction projects, new material options and growing consumer preference for sustainable solutions.

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In China, using BIPVs to replace conventional building materials for applications such as roofs, skylights and facades is an emerging trend. Aging requirements for BIPV TPO roofing far exceed the 10-year requirement for standard roofing, a critical factor in offsetting the cost of such installations.

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Initial testing by 3TREES demonstrated that Solvay¡¯s product provides superior stabilization performance. The goal of the collaboration is to work toward the commercialization and scale-up of this solution. The collaboration agreement will cover product testing, qualification, market promotion, new project development and production. Solvay¡¯s CYASORB CYNERGY SOLUTIONS? B Series stabilizer will be incorporated into 3TREES¡¯s TPO roofing sheets, allowing the company to far exceed ASTM D6878 and ASTM D573 standards. 



3TREES¡¯ BIPV solution incorporating Solvay¡¯s UV/thermal stabilizers. (Photo: Solvay, PR044)


¡°We¡¯ve been impressed by Solvay¡¯s quick action, technical support and stabilization solution,¡± said Huang Lulu, Chief Engineer of polymer at 3TREES. ¡°Their CYASORB CYNERGY SOLUTIONS? B Series stabilizers provide excellent thermal aging performance, show no obvious discoloration, and enable TPO BIPV parts to maintain their physical properties. We¡¯re excited to accelerate the development of the BIPV market in China.¡±

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¡°Solvay is excited to work with 3TREES to introduce a new BIPV(TPO)roofing product to the Chinese market,¡± commented Ning Chen, Vice President for Solvay¡¯s Polymer Additives business. ¡°Enabled by Solvay¡¯s solutions, 3TREES's new BIPV (TPO)roofing membrane will address the limitations of existing products. We look forward to supporting 3TREES in driving the building and construction industry¡¯s shift to BIPV solutions and working toward China¡¯s carbon neutrality goals.¡±




Solvay is a science company whose technologies bring benefits to many aspects of daily life. With more than 21,000 employees in 63 countries, Solvay bonds people, ideas and elements to reinvent progress. The Group seeks to create sustainable shared value for all, notably through its Solvay One Planet roadmap crafted around three pillars: protecting the climate, preserving resources and fostering a better life. The Group¡¯s innovative solutions contribute to safer, cleaner, and more sustainable products found in homes, food and consumer goods, planes, cars, batteries, smart devices, health care applications, water and air purification systems. Founded in 1863, Solvay today ranks among the world¡¯s top three companies for the vast majority of its activities and delivered net sales of €10.1 billion in 2021. 

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