缇香瓷砖TIZIANO 博洛尼亚展Cersaie 2023 | 不容错过的意大利美学趋势
网络 23-10-12 阅读数:
“ 2023年全球广负盛名的陶瓷展会一一第40届意大利博洛尼亚陶瓷卫浴展CERSAIE于9月25日盛大开启,世界各地的TOP级陶瓷制造商、陶瓷艺术家和设计师汇聚一堂,共同探索陶瓷的无限可能。”
The 40th Bologna Ceramic Bathroom Exhibition CERSIE, the most prestigious ceramic exhibition in the world in 2023, opened on September 25th, bringing
—— Cersaie 2023
创造家居空间创意与视觉艺术的顶 峰
Global Ceramic Design Cultural Exchange The New Dimension of Space Regarding materials, structure, and color New Interpretation of Technology and Design Creating the pinnacle of visual art Empowering future ideal living space
无论是产品技术上的创新能力、国际顶 尖的设计水平,还是来自世界各地的思想领 袖展示前卫的设计思想,Cersaie 2023对全球建陶行业整一年甚至更久的瓷砖流行趋势、产品风潮都有着举足轻重的现实意义,将是一次引发新思考与新设计方式的开始……
Cersaie 2023 has significant practical significance for the global ceramic tile industry's trend and product trend throughout the year or even longer, and will be the beginning of new thinking and design methods......
2023年全球广负盛名的陶瓷展会一一第40届意大利博洛尼亚国际陶瓷展,这也是疫情后的第 一届CERSAIE展,吸引全球陶瓷人的强烈关注。作为国际卫浴瓷砖业的“风向标”——博洛尼亚陶瓷卫浴展,从领 先的陶瓷工艺技术、前瞻性设计、新材料应用新趋势,成为“陶瓷界跳动的心脏”。世界各地的TOP级陶瓷制造商、陶瓷艺术家和设计师汇聚这场全球陶瓷行业的顶 级盛会,共同探索陶瓷的无限可能性。
From leading ceramic technology, forward-looking design, and new trends in the application of new materials, it has become the "beating heart of the ceramic industry". Top ceramic manufacturers, artists, and designers from around the world gather at this top event in the global ceramic industry to explore the infinite possibilities of ceramics.
TIZIANO closely follows design trends and uses materials as a medium to establish a complete international style ceramic tile system. Through continuous learning and progress, exploring new development areas and experiencing more diverse life aesthetics.
TIZIANO has always fully reflected the original Italian spirit in product culture and product display, and is at the forefront of fashion.
The entire line introduces excellent Italian manufacturing equipment and advanced product manufacturing experience, and establishes a high-quality wall and floor tile product system that is fully synchronized with the international market.
TIZIABO · Cersaie 2023 | 聚焦全球设计风向 - Cersaie是设计的灯塔,是国际潮流的引 领者 是想象和设计未来的理想栖息地 Cersaie 2023 TIZIANO与您探究未来瓷砖新趋势