
       河北省内丘县冠实石材厂成立于1998年,以生产加工文化石为主,工厂紧邻石英岩、砂岩矿山,毗邻板岩矿山。依托矿山优势,经过十几年的不断摸索与发展,已经非常透彻的了解了不同种类,以及同一类别不同矿山的各种原材料的纹理、色泽、硬度、层理等特性。进而根据每种原料的特性不同“因材施教”加工成不同风格的产品。主要产品有:胶粘文化石、蘑菇石、平板、网贴、马赛克等五大类,数十小类的产品,风格各异任您选择。    Guanshi stone factory was established in 1998, mainly in producing and  processing cultured stone.our factory closes to quartzite, sandstone mine, adjacent to the slate mine. We are taking the advantage of mine, after ten years of exploration and development, we deeply understood the texture, color, hardness, level texture and other features of the different types and categories or different mines of the same raw material . Then according to the different characteristics of each raw material, "taking different processing" and processed into different styles of products. The main products are: adhesive cultured stone, mushroom stone, panels and tiles, paving with net backing, mosaics and other five categories, dozens of products, choose anyone you love ......   ?? ???? ???? ?? ???????1998? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ? ?? ????. ??????? ???,????,????? ????? ??? ?? ?????,??????,????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???????.???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??,??,?? ?? ?? ??? ????.??????? ???,???? ??,???? ??,???? ????,?????? ? ????? ??? ????? ????.          Guanshi stone factory was established in 1998, mainly in producing and  processing cultured stone.our factory closes to quartzite, sandstone mine, adjacent to the slate mine. We are taking the advantage of mine, after ten years of exploration and development, we deeply understood the texture, color, hardness, level texture and other features of the different types and categories or different mines of the same raw material . Then according to the different characteristics of each raw material, "taking different processing" and processed into different styles of products. The main products are: adhesive cultured stone, mushroom stone, panels and tiles, paving with net backing, mosaics and other five categories, dozens of products, choose anyone you love ......Guanshi stone factory was established in 1998, mainly in producing and  processing cultured stone.our factory closes to quartzite, sandstone mine, adjacent to the slate mine. We are taking the advantage of mine, after ten years of exploration and development, we deeply understood the texture, color, hardness, level texture and other features of the different types and categories or different mines of the same raw material . Then according to the different characteristics of each raw material, "taking different processing" and processed into different styles of products. The main products are: adhesive cultured stone, mushroom stone, panels and tiles, paving with net backing, mosaics and other five categories, dozens of products, choose anyone you love ......Guanshi stone factory was established in 1998, mainly in producing and  processing cultured stone.our factory closes to quartzite, sandstone mine, adjacent to the slate mine. We are taking the advantage of mine, after ten years of exploration and development, we deeply understood the texture, color, hardness, level texture and other features of the different types and categories or different mines of the same raw material . Then according to the different characteristics of each raw material, "taking different processing" and processed into different styles of products. The main products are: adhesive cultured stone, mushroom stone, panels and tiles, paving with net backing, mosaics and other five categories, dozens of products, choose anyone you love ......
注册资本(¥) 50万 公司成立时间 1998-08-08
公司注册地 中国 河北 内丘 法人/负责人 闫志兵
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 2000 平方米 品牌名称 冠实
员工人数 11 - 50 人 研发部门人数 5 人以下
年营业额 人民币 300 万元/年 - 500 万元/年
管理体系认证 其它 质量控制 内部
主要市场 全球 主要客户群 贸易商,建筑商



公司名称 河北内邱冠实石材厂 普通商家  
联系人 闫志兵  
座机电话 0319-7051008  
手机号码 15383912761   
传真号码 0319-7051008  
其它联系 在线留言