
企业简介 中信珍珠岩矿业集团是集生产、销售新型墙体、节能防水保温材料于一体的工贸结合的专业环保节能材料企业。长期专业生产加工:珍珠岩,憎水珍珠岩保温板(砖),膨胀珍珠岩,珍珠岩保温管材型材,闭孔珍珠岩,玻化微珠(保温砂浆),珍珠岩助滤剂,珍珠岩除渣剂,珍珠岩覆盖剂,园艺珍珠岩,珍珠岩防火板,保温珠光砂,膨润土(钠基/钙基/锂基/饲料级),珍珠岩磨料,空心微珠,高效活性白土,白色/黄色沸石粉以及蒸压加气混凝土砌块等相关制品。 公司一直致力于珍珠岩等非金属矿产资源的开发和应用研究,下属有信阳市平桥区平桥中信保温建材厂、信阳市平桥中信珍珠沙加工厂、信阳市平桥区四通保温材料厂、信阳市吴玉海珍珠岩厂、郑州中信珍珠岩商贸有限公司、上海中信珍珠岩助滤剂厂、河南中信珍珠岩浙江分公司、河南中信珍珠岩武汉分公司、浙江永康中信珍珠岩防火板销售处、江苏苏州中信珠光砂仓库、广东深圳中信珍珠岩销售处等单位,是从事研发、生产、销售和施工为一体的专业化老牌保温材料企业。现有厂区面积98000平方米,厂房、库房建筑面积19000平方米,员工2000余人,其中中高级专业技术人才26人。现有珍珠岩九大系列一百余种产品,行销全国建筑、钢铁、耐火材料、石油、电力、冶金、化工、饮料、国防、园林绿化等行业。其中普通膨胀珍珠岩产量76万立方米/年;表面熔结珍珠岩产量780000吨/年;珍珠岩防水保温板材27万立方米/年;珍珠岩助滤剂60000吨/年;珠光砂(超低温工程用膨胀珍珠岩)80000吨/年;等等。 公司位于河南省信阳市平桥工业区,与“亚洲**”的上天梯非金属矿毗邻。附近有国道107、312和铁路京广、宁西呈双十字交汇,具有丰富的能源原料优势和四通八达的交通便利优势。 公司信奉“原料**、质量**、信誉**”的市场经济真谛,在经营上实施“客户**至上,共赢**关键”的核心价值观,以客户的需要为出发点,提供完善的售前、售中和售后服务,努力打造中国珍珠岩行业的**品牌!热诚欢迎国内外新老客户光临! English Xinyang Zhongxin Perlite Insulation Material Factory is located in Pingqiao District, Xinyang city, Henan Province , where is the hometown of the perlite in China . Xinyang Zhongxin Insulation Material Factoryset up in 1996, is a private industrial company established since over 10 years their activities excentreated in the industrial fields, supplied with wide experiences and customers service requirement. which specializes in production of perlite products. The company possesses of 15 high and intermediate administrative personnel. It has particular kiln types and advanced processing equipments. The expanded perlite product line which is fueled with pulverized coal can be adjusted at discretion to produce thin, intermediate thick, thick, extreme thick expanded perlite serial products ranging from 1 millimeter to 8 millimeters. We are mainly engaged in producing and developing the nonmetallic minerals -- perlite and the paragenesis mineral resource. We produce kinds of Perlite, every year, 20000 tons of Perlite ore, 40000 cubes of Expanded Perlite and more than 6000 tons of closed perlite.Since the company is established, we insist in ’the quality is the life of enterprise’, set up the strict product quality control management system to make sure the high quality. We are be trusted in the customers from all over the world for the products and service. We will service the competitive price, quality products and best customer service to all customers. Welcome enquiry by email or telephone. Among others, the thin products are provided for cryogenic equipments such as air separation equipments, tank car and oxygen plant as well as dynamite agile burst and for producing filter aid of perlite; The intermediate thick products can be confected into perlite goods with various agglomerant; The thick products are divided into two types: the acid ones and the alkalescent ones, which are applied to agriculture and gardening particularly, supervised by Shanghai Gardens Research Institute. The extreme thick products are exported to Japan and Southeast Asia area. The cement, hydrophobic perlite products and PPM bagged heat preservation rendering materials are used for general energy conservation in buildings and the heat preservation of the external cell of the energy conservational buildings; SPLM perlite light fillings have already been broadly applied to Minhang No.4 Line, Sichen Highway Bridge and other projects. The above mentioned advanced processing equipments and the new types have already been attorned to several perlite companies in China distinctively. With the high-speed development of the cryogenic technology, the particular methods of production, store and transportation for the air separation equipments, the vacuum store, the low temperature liquid transportation car and the liquefied natural gas equipment (LNG) include: LNG plant; LNG receiving terminal; LNG tank car; LNG tank boat; LNG aerificational station. Each one needs great quantities of the expanded perlite and the hydrophobic expanded perlite. The company makes use of the product line of the expanded perlite to manufacture the hydrophobic expanded perlite. Because of the unique capability of water resistance, the hydrophobic expanded perlite is more suitable for the thermal insulation of the cryogenic equipments and the liquefied natural gas tank boat and tank car. We are proud to be the first China company specialized in producing of China Perlite since 1990 according to universal and laboratory tested specifications which is used in many applications: ◆Heat insulation in structural work ◆Agricultural applications ◆Cleaning liquid foodstuff ◆Metal Melting application
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 信阳市平桥区中信珍珠沙加工厂 普通商家  
联系人 冷小林  
座机电话 13938226814  
手机号码 13938226814   
传真号码 0376-6757117  
其它联系 在线留言