
公司简介 About Us 四川眉山象牌木门厂是一家集科研开发、生产销售及技术服务于一体的现代化门企。公司始建于1998年,座落在物华天宝,人杰地灵的“中国千载诗书城”,称“千古**文人”的北宋大文豪苏东坡故里——四川●眉山。位于成都南大门黄金旅游通道,交通方便,环境优雅。自成立伊始,融入象文化特有的内涵,经过不断锐意进取,改革创新,以科学化、规范化的管理,成就了今天傲视群雄的象牌王国。 XiangPai wood doors company is a modern door manufacturer which make research and development, production and sales, and technical service into an integration . Founded in 1998, the factory is located in Sichuan Meishan, a propitious place that gathering nature’s treasures and fostering more talents . Su Dongpo, a literary giant in North Song Dynasty who is called “the first scholar through the ages” was born there. It is located in Golden Travel Channel of Chengdu and has convenient transportation and elegant environment. Combined with the elephant culture, the company continued to forge ahead through reform and innovation since the very beginning of establishment, making this XiangPai Kingdom apart from most of its rivals by scientific and standardized management, 在门业领域,公司以生产销售“象派”、“远洋”、“鸿堂”、“卡帝纳斯”品牌的仿旧古韵别墅门、原木门、实木门、实木复合门、实木立体门、时尚色彩门、古典式花格花窗为主。为确保产品质量达到国际化标准,严格按照ISO9001、2000国际质量管理标准生产销售于市场。结合中国民族特色文化元素,以“木香古韵”系列的儒雅大气和“诗情木歌”系列的现代时尚色彩风格,广泛适用于私人住宅、别墅、机关、学校、医院、酒店、宾馆、办公楼、商业场所、房地产工程等居家室内外门业装潢。 In the field of door industry ,our company mainly produce and sale the\" Xiang Pai \", \"Yuan Yang\", \"Hong Tang \",\" Catinas \" brands of vintage archaic Chinese rhymes villa door, original wood door, wood door, solid wood door, solid wood door with tridimensional visual impression, fashionable colorful door, and classic lattice and window grill. To ensure the quality of products meets the international standards, we produce and sale in strict accordance with ISO9001,2000 international quality management standards. As a combination of Chinese national characteristics and cultural elements to \"woody Ancient Rhymes\" series of refined atmosphere, and \"Poetic Wood Song\" series of modern fashionable color style, our door widely used in indoor and outdoor doors Industry, such as: private homes, villas, offices, schools, hospitals, hotels, guest houses, office buildings, commercial premises and real estate engineering . 以雄厚的资金,精湛的技术,健全的管理机制和完善的营销网络,成就了公司所有品牌的健康发展,塑造了品牌的良好形像,走进千家万户,深受广大消费者的欢迎,美誉度响于国内外。 Abundant capital, superior technology and sound management system as well as perfect marketing network, all of these ensure the healthy development of company\"s all brands, create a good brand image, step into millions of households with the welcome from majority of consumers , and get a sound reputation at home and abroad. 象寓意“吉祥平安、吉祥如意、太平有象”。公司结合现代人们提倡的人文和谐理念,始终倡导了一种理想主义的价值观与社会责任,注重员工素质培养。以象文化“尊重、友好、和谐”的人本主义精神,凝聚员工的热诚和公司强大的研发能力,为客户打开方便之门。 As elephant is a traditional lucky symbol in China, the implied meaning of “Xiang(elephant)” in our brand name is \"good luck and peace, good fortune as one wishes, peace and wealth brought by elephant\". Combined with the modern human harmony philosophy, the company has always advocated an idealistic values and social responsibility, and focused on staff training. We also cohere our staff’s enthusiasm and devotion as well as the company’s powerful research and development ability by the humanistic spirit of “respect, friendship and harmony”, which is contained in the elephant culture, to open the door for the customers. 历程十余载风雨沉淀,象牌始终坚持以象为旗,以和为尊的企业理念,将“人和?家和?天下和”的人文理念融入到企业文化建设之中去。经象牌人坚持不懈的努力,为广大朋友们搭建着共同发展的良好平台,使象牌成为全国经销商、国内外贸易商、房地产开发商等的**佳合作伙伴,我们真诚期待你的加入,共创辉煌! Through more than ten years’ precipitation of trials and hardship, “XiangPai” has been sticking to “seeing ‘Xiang(elephant)’ as our company’s flag, seeing harmony as our top respect” as our strategy philosophy all the time. We also integrated the humanity idea of “harmonious human relations?harmonious family member relations?harmonious the world relations” with the construction of our corporate culture. With all we XiangPai people’s tireless efforts, we have already set up a good platform for common development and made Xiangpai become the best partner for the national distributors, domestic and foreign traders, real estate developers etc.. We sincerely look forward to your joining to create brilliant!
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群


公司名称 象牌木门 普通商家  
联系人 王毅  
座机电话 18783300970  
手机号码 18783300970   
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