广州望浦地毯----广州望浦装饰材料有限公司 地址:广州市番禺区厦滘岭南国际创业园(地铁三号线.厦滘站A出口)
电话:020-34520318 18028564061 广州望浦地毯,是一家集生产,销售及服务于一体,
【望浦地毯】专业生产产品包括:簇绒门口垫,浴室垫,印花毯,满铺工程 毯…承接来样加工,专业为酒店,别墅,电梯,走廊等特制地毯,
尤其专业为企业设计及定制Logo广告地毯。经营产品:威尔顿块毯, 雪尼尔, PVC 地毯,植绒地毯,会议/展览用针刺无纺毯等。产品
主要销往美国,日本,俄罗斯,台湾,新加坡,马来西亚等东南亚地区及中 国大陆。
车间及仓库,雄厚的技术力量和先进生产设备,在广州设有展示厅 及仓库,专门服务于各批发,零售的国内外客户。
宗旨,服务于新老客户!热忱欢迎海内外朋友到公司洽谈生意,共 同创造无限商机! Rugs, a well- known
rugs brand name in china which is manufactured by Wangpu
Co.,Ltd, Located in Guangzhou.It is professional in designing
and manufacturing for a rich range of household rugs / mats,
including tufting Door mat, Bath mat, Kitchen mat, printed mat… the
material we are using are Polypropylene (PP), Acrylic, Nylon,
Polyester, Cotton and so on… and we also deal in PVC mat, Sisal
mat, Wilton carpet… the products are sold to over 10 countries and
area, such as America ,Japan, Korea, Russia…Base on our
experience, professional in this area and our equipments, we
are providing the goods in nice quality and keep you are
competitive in the market, waiting for your inquires and starting a
long term business relationship, please don’t hesitate to contact
with us if our production is in your working range. 电话:020-34520318
手机/Mob: 13533490649 18028564061 联系人/Contact:
黄先生 萧小姐 阿里旺旺:mhrugs6 QQ: 1801383771
块毯,浴室垫,门垫,防滑垫,PVC地毯,羊毛地毯,手工地毯,满铺地毯,大堂地毯,地垫,广告地毯,高档地毯,特价地毯 household
rugs/mats,including tufting Door mat,Bath mat,Kitchen mat,printed
mat 常规规格是40*60 45*75 50*70 60*80
90*120 120*125 120*180